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Tally Tuesday 9.30.2019


Weekly stats:

Beats: 914

Movers: 152

Thank you to all the movers who Accepted the Challenge to bring the fight to cancer and move with us! September was a great month with 3,994 beats posted which means almost $4,000 to support cancer research!

Special thank you to the Murphy family for sharing their story and generously sponsoring this month and to Jordan Belous for taking over our instagram account and updating us on Whip Pediatric Cancer!

Thank you to everyone who attended and supported Yoga for a Cause in Columbus, Oh on Sunday!

Whether you are moving for your family, your friends or to be a better you - we are all in this together! Every day is an opportunity to bring the fight to cancer and to help spread the word about the power of prevention.

See you on Monday for the first Monday in October!

Join us this Monday, Oct 7th in Greenwich CT for morning of wellness, please send us an email to RSVP or with any questions! Breakfast from The Granola Bar and earn a beat with a Stretching and Movement class!

AKTIV Against Cancer's Annual Luncheon on Thursday, November 14th in New York City!



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Linda W. Daniel Foundation  |  Challenge the athlete in you to fight cancer today

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