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Move Me Monday Storyteller - Bridget McCall

Writer's picture:

We were honored to share Bridget McCall's story last year and are excited to share her message this week. Congratulations on 5 years and wishing Bridget's Brigade all our best! 

Being a brain cancer survivor (5 years!) has changed my definition of gratitude, fortune, love and how to LIVE. I’ve learned that if you want something – an experience, new challenge, family, a new career – you shouldn’t wait for it. If you can do it today, don’t wait! I’ve also learned that sometimes you have to live for two; if you’ve lost someone to cancer I encourage you to work twice as hard to love, enjoy and enrich your life because someone else didn’t have the chance.
Below is a photo of me with my husband, Patrick, after a three day hike of the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. Just six days after my final chemo treatment I culminated my journey by reaching the highest point above Machu Picchu, Huayna Picchu. Sometimes you have to push yourself to reach that final peak to really LIVE! Don’t wait. Get after LIFE! Thank you to the Linda W. Daniel Foundation and Caragh and Chris Lengle for allowing me to be part of #MoveMeMonday

Learn more about Bridget's Brigade and the Race for Hope on Sunday May 7st in Washington D.C.

Move Me Monday Storyteller, Bridget McCall, April 2016 - 

I grew up enjoying athletics, starting with youth soccer, swim team and learning to throw a baseball with my dad. I enjoyed 12 seasons of high school sports and relished the 4 years I spent playing college field hockey. Through all those years, I never needed stitches, broke a bone or suffered anything that kept me off the field. So, the day I woke up in a hospital and learned I had a brain tumor I couldn’t believe it. I underwent two brain surgeries, but 4 days after my second surgery and only 2 days after being discharged from the hospital, I walked my first Race for Hope 5k. As of last week, I’m a 4 year brain cancer survivor and continue to focus on the power of fitness - I live every day with gratitude, gym time on my schedule and often with a green shake in my hand.

We're counting on your beats to kick off the month of May on Monday, special thank you to the Lengle family for sponsoring this week!


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Linda W. Daniel Foundation  |  Challenge the athlete in you to fight cancer today

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