Move Me Monday (MMM) is our initiative designed to help raise cancer prevention awareness, funds to support leading cancer organizations, and promote a more active lifestyle. For every mile participants run, walk, bike, swim, etc. or 15 minutes they exercise each Monday participants earn 1 beat. For every beat shared via our social media channels or website, LWDF raises $1 to support select cancer organizations on a one-for-one basis. Anyone anywhere can participate.
Our one-for-one model creates a highly interdependent community of individuals and organizations committed to helping us bring the fight to cancer. Beats must be earned before funds are donated which encourages participants to ACT – Accept the Challenge Today. To achieve our mission we need our community to help us raise cancer prevention awareness and champion MMM.
What's a Beat?
Since we don’t all share the same interests, physical abilities, or even live in the same place we’ve devised a universal system of awesomeness that anyone can use. Basically, if it has a distance, count it. If not, 15 minutes of your activity equals 1 beat.
For Example:
3 mile run = 3 BEATS = $3
60 minutes of yoga = 4 BEATS = $4